Preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Action Plan for Construction of Mombasa Eco Industrial Park
Name of Client:
County Government of Mombasa | Trademark Africa
Project Description:
The County Government of Mombasa (CGM) is developing a prime piece of land into Mombasa Industrial Park (MIP), as one of their flagship projects to create more jobs and better jobs in higher value addition manufacturing sectors. MIP will develop as a hub for efficiency-seeking and market-based industries and logistics.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff Within the Assignment:
EMC undertook Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed Mombasa Industrial Park project according to best international practice, as required by the terms of the company’s project specific. EMC Consultants prepared ESIA and RAP studies in accordance with IFC Performance Standards and WBG EHS General Guidelines and NEMA EIA/EA regulations and ensured permits were issued by all regulatory agencies including approval of the loan by International Finance Corporation (IFC).
How Can We Help You?
Get in touch with us on how we can help your organization meet its needs in environmental consultation.
Nachu Plaza, 13th Floor Right Wing,
Kiambere Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi.
+254 020 440 6162
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